ワイン好き・ねこのミーの庭 パート2「猫とワインと美味しもの」



00:05 from Twitter for iPhone
ラム カタロース ソテーになってきてるよヴォルネイ サントノ1er Cru
ドメーヌ ルージョ 85 ちょっと閉じてるけど、ラムと一緒にほうばるとプラムのように甘くなる(^^)
18:55 from web
19:52 from web (Re: @koh_matsu
@koh_matsu おいおい。。Doneですがな。
19:55 from web
19:56 from web
20:24 from web
Now fitting my schedule in Toronto. ISSCR is like a class reunion a year. Looking forward seeing you, everybody!
20:25 from web
Struggling against the deadline....
20:41 from web
RT @Telegraph: E.coli outbreak spreads to 12 countries as Britons treated http://tgr.ph/lUsu4Y
21:55 from Twitter for iPhone
RT @CellStemCell: miR-173 can prospectively identify hESC/hiPSC lines with strong neural differentiation propensity, Studer lab http://b ...
21:56 from Twitter for iPhone
RT @CellStemCell: Letters about proposed hESC/hiPSC nomenclature from leading scientists http://bit.ly/maYjLU and ATCC http://bit.ly/jQSTy8
22:02 from Twitter for iPhone
RT @GENbio: Patent Uncertainty and Political Flux Keeping hESC Investors from Seeing Returns http://bit.ly/muMrRH
by kusudamiho on Twitter